(REST - regional saturation technique / SAT - saturation/ Pre-Sat / spatial Pre-Sat) A specialized technique employing repeated RF excitation of structures adjacent to the ROI for the purpose of reducing or eliminating their phase effect artifacts. This presaturation can be performed on both sides parallel or perpendicular to the slice. Vascular ghosting is eliminated by saturation areas parallel (outside) to the slice plane, because flowing blood produces almost no signal.
The possibility of moving presaturation (moving REST / traveling SAT) makes sequence planning and scanning comfortable.
The second picture shows a timing diagram for a 3D pulse sequence. Volume excitation and signal detection are repeated in duration, relative timing and amplitude, each time the sequence is repeated. Two phase encoding components are present, one in the phase encoding direction and the other in slice selection direction (irrespectively incremented in amplitude) in each time the sequence is executed.
A description of the comparison of hardware activity between different pulse sequences.
Sequence of RF (and gradient) pulses designed to produce saturation, typically in a selected region or set of regions, most often by the use of selective excitation followed by a spoiler pulse. Similar to some spectral suppression techniques. Can be used to reduce signal from flowing blood by saturating regions upstream from region being imaged.