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Magnetization Transfer Contrast
(MTC) This MRI method increases the contrast by removing a portion of the total signal in tissue. An off resonance radio frequency (RF) pulse saturates macromolecular protons to make them invisible (caused by their ultra-short T2* relaxation times). The MRI signal from semi-solid tissue like brain parenchyma is reduced, and the signal from a more fluid component like blood is retained.
E.g., saturation of broad spectral lines may produce decreases in intensity of lines not directly saturated, through exchange of magnetization between the corresponding states; more closely coupled states will show a greater resulting intensity change. Magnetization transfer techniques make demyelinated brain or spine lesions (as seen e.g. in multiple sclerosis) better visible on T2 weighted images as well as on gadolinium contrast enhanced T1 weighted images.
Off resonance makes use of a selection gradient during an off resonance MTC pulse. The gradient has a negative offset frequency on the arterial side of the imaging volume (caudally more off resonant and cranially less off resonant). The net effect of this type of pulse is that the arterial blood outside the imaging volume will retain more of its longitudinal magnetization, with more vascular signal when it enters the imaging volume. Off resonance MTC saturates the venous blood, leaving the arterial blood untouched.
On resonance has no effect on the free water pool but will saturate the bound water pool and is the difference in T2 between the pools. Special binomial pulses are transmitted causing the magnetization of the free protons to remain unchanged. The z-magnetization returns to its original value. The spins of the bound pool with a short T2 experience decay, resulting in a destroyed magnetization after the on resonance pulse.

See also Magnetization Transfer.
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    • T2*
    • Bound Pool
    • Image Contrast Characteristics
Further Reading:
  News & More:
MRI of the Human Eye Using Magnetization Transfer Contrast Enhancement
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Partial Echo
(PE) The partial echo technique (also called fractional echo) is used to shorten the minimum echo time. By the acquisition of only a part of k-space data this technique benefits (like all partial Fourier techniques) from the complex conjugate symmetry between the k-space halves (this is called Hermitian symmetry).
The dephasing gradient in the frequency direction is reduced, and the duration of the readout gradient and the data acquisition window are shortened. Partial echo gives a better SNR at a given TE when a smaller FOV or thinner slices are selected, allows a longer sampling time, and a larger water fat shift (WFS, see also bandwidth) due to a lower gradient amplitude. The resolution is not affected. This is often used in gradient echo sequences (e.g. FLASH, Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography) to reduce the echo time and yields a lower gradient moment. The disadvantage of using a partial echo can be a lower SNR, although this may be partly offset by the reduced echo time.
Also called Fractional Echo, Read Conjugate Symmetry, Single Side View.

See also Partial Fourier Technique and acronyms for 'partial echo' from different manufacturers.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Partial Echo' (4).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Method and apparatus for subterranean formation flow imaging
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Spectral Selection Attenuated Inversion RecoveryInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
(SPAIR) The MRI fat suppression technique SPAIR is characterized by a low sensitivity to RF field inhomogeneities. The used adiabatic radio frequency pulses for spectral saturation ensure a high uniformity and lower specific absorption rate (SAR).
SPAIR is suitable for offset and difficult to suppress regions such as liver, pelvis, shoulder and hips.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Spectral Selection Attenuated Inversion Recovery' (2).Open this link in a new window

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Echo Offset
Echo offset is the time setting of spin echo and gradient echo to be not coincident and to generate phase differences between different spectral line signals (e.g., water and fat). The echo offset is the product of the frequency line difference and the time difference (TD) in the echo times and is equal to the magnitude of the result of the phase difference between two spectral lines. Phases may not change linearly with echo offset time in the presence of a large field inhomogeneity. An echo offset excitation pulse sequence can be used in the magnetic field mapping method, to generate maps from which the standard deviation of the phase difference can be calculated.
Further Reading:
  News & More:
T1rho-prepared balanced gradient echo for rapid 3D T1rho MRI
Monday, 1 September 2008   by    
A short-TR single-echo spin-echo breath-hold method for assessing liver T2
Sunday, 10 December 2023   by    
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Chemical Shift Spatial OffsetInfoSheet: - Artifacts - 
Case Studies, 
Reduction Index, 
Image artifact of apparent spatial offset of regions with different chemical shifts along the direction of the frequency encoding gradient; a similar effect may be found in the slice selection direction.

See Chemical Shift Artifact.
Further Reading:
1H MR Spectroscopy and Chemical Shift Imaging of the In Vivo Brain at 7 Tesla
Sunday, 26 November 2006   by    
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Implant and Prosthesis pool - Spectroscopy - Services and Supplies - Fluorescence - Jobs - Absorption and Emission
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