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Short name: PLLGd-DTPA, generic name: (Gd-DTPA)n-polylysine, chemical compound: Gd-DTPA poly(L-lysine-Gd-diethylenetriamine-N,N,N',N'',N''-pentaacetic acid), central moiety: Gd2+, relaxivity: r1=13.1, B0=0.23T
A polymeric MRI contrast agent under development (preclin., Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Berlin, Germany) with advantages in both MRA and in the differential diagnosis of tumors, particularly in perfusion studies of the myocardium and potential in MR lung perfusion.
Dozens of the relatively small molecule Gd-DTPA is bound covalently to polylysine, a large molecular weight backbone. The stable, highly water-soluble agent does not diffuse through the endothelium of the vascular system; it is subject to renal elimination. | |
| • View the DATABASE results for 'Gd-DTPA-Polylysine' (2).
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