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Aurora® 1.5T Dedicated Breast MRI SystemInfoSheet: - Devices -
Types of Magnets, 
etc. From Aurora Imaging Technology, Inc.;
The Aurora® 1.5T Dedicated Breast MRI System with Bilateral SpiralRODEO™ is the first and only FDA approved MRI device designed specifically for breast imaging. The Aurora System, which is already in clinical use at a growing number of leading breast care centers in the US, Europe, got in December 2006 also the approval from the State Food and Drug Administration of the People's Republic of China (SFDA).
'Some of the proprietary and distinguishing features of the Aurora System include: 1) an ellipsoid magnetic shim that provides coverage of both breasts, the chest wall and bilateral axillary lymph nodes; 2) a precision gradient coil with the high linearity required for high resolution spiral reconstruction;; 3) a patient-handling table that provides patient comfort and procedural utility; 4) a fully integrated Interventional System for MRI guided biopsy and localization; and 5) the user-friendly AuroraCAD™ computer-aided image display system designed to improve the accuracy and efficiency of diagnostic interpretations.'
Device Information and Specification
Short bore compact
Bi-lateral RODEO fat suppression, high resolution Rotating Delivery of Excitation Offresonance Spiral, integrated targeting SW compatible with major MR guided intervention equipment
10 ms for gradient echo and less than 2,500 ms for T2 weighted spin echo
From 5 ms for RODEO Plus to over 80 ms, 120 ms for T2 sequences
Around 0.02 sec for a 256x256 image, 12.4 sec for a 512 x 512 x 32 multislice set
20 - 36 cm, max. elliptical 36 x 44 cm
512 x 512
or W x H
64 cm diameter (gantry)
8,500 lbs
240 x 188 x 163 cm
150A/120V-208Y/3 Phase//60 Hz/5 Wire
Helium for magnet, distilled/de-ionized water for coil;
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    • Breast MRI
    • MRI Equipment
    • MRI
    • Hardware
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Further Reading:
  News & More:
Aurora Imaging Technology Announces Approval in China
Aurora Imaging Technology, Inc. Release: Results of a Multi-Center Trial Demonstrates Superior Diagnostic Performance of the Aurora® 1.5T Dedicated Breast MRI System Over Whole-Body Breast MRI
Monday, 1 October 2012   by    
Searchterm 'MRI' was also found in the following services: 
Radiology  (20) Open this link in a new windowUltrasound  (24) Open this link in a new window
FONAR CorporationMRI Resource Directory:
 - Manufacturers - The company is a leading manufacturer and developer of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners. The Patient Friendly MRI Company, formed in 1978, is engaged in the business of inventing, manufacturing, selling and servicing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners. FONAR is the oldest MRI company in the world. After receiving hundreds of millions in a windfall from protecting their MRI patents, they made a MRI scanner that no other MRI manufacturer has. One that the patient stands in and they call Indomitable, the Stand-Up MRI. Patients like it because it is the least claustrophobic, most comfortable MRI on the market. Doctors like it because of its superior image quality and for the first time, the patient can be scanned in the weight-bearing position, or the position of pain or symptom. In October of 2004, the company changed the product name of the Stand-Up MRI to the Upright MRI. Fonar introduced the first "open" MRI scanner in 1980 and is the originator of the iron-core nonsuperconductive and permanent magnet technology.

MRI Scanners:

- 0.6T:
QUAD™ 12000 - Its 19-inch gap and Whisper Gradients™ make it extraordinarily spacious, quiet and comfortable. With its signal to noise advantage of 0.6 T and its comprehensive array of Organ-Specific™ receiver coils, the QUAD™ 12000 provides high-speed, high resolution and high contrast scanning. Product Specification
OR 360°™ - cleared for marketing by the FDA in March 2000, 360° access to the patient. A dual-purpose scanner, it can be used for conventional diagnostic scanning when not in surgical mode. Product Specification
Open Sky MRI™ - A dual purpose scanner for high-throughput scanning. Product Specification
Echo™ - open, comfortable, compact, reliable, easily sited and economical. Product Specification
Scanners in progress - Pinnacle™, a high-field superconducting Open MRI - mpExtremity MRI™, a small, in-office, weight-bearing MRI for extremities.

Contact Information
FONAR Corporation
110 Marcus Drive
Melville, N.Y. 11747

• View the DATABASE results for 'FONAR Corporation' (3).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'FONAR Corporation' (87).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
FONAR Announces Fiscal 2014 Second Quarter Earnings Results
Friday, 14 February 2014   by    
  News & More:
Fonar Is An Unusual And Undervalued Play On The Obesity Epidemic
Monday, 8 December 2014   by    
MRI's inside story
Thursday, 4 December 2003   by    
MRI Resources 
Spectroscopy pool - Safety pool - MRI Technician and Technologist Schools - General - Musculoskeletal and Joint MRI - NMR
Liver ImagingForum -
related threadsMRI Resource Directory:
 - Liver Imaging -
Liver imaging can be performed with sonography, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Ultrasound is, caused by the easy access, still the first-line imaging method of choice; CT and MRI are applied whenever ultrasound imaging yields vague results. Indications are the characterization of metastases and primary liver tumors e.g., benign lesions such as focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH), adenoma, hemangioma and malignant lesions (cancer) such as hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC). The decision, which medical imaging modality is more suitable, MRI or CT, is dependent on the different factors. CT is less costly and more widely available; modern multislice scanners provide high spatial resolution and short scan times but has the disadvantage of radiation exposure.
With the introduction of high performance MR systems and advanced sequences the image quality of MRI for the liver has gained substantially. Fast spin echo or single shot techniques, often combined with fat suppression, are the most common T2 weighted sequences used in liver MRI procedures. Spoiled gradient echo sequences are used as ideal T1 weighted sequences for evaluating of the liver. The repetition time (TR) can be sufficiently long to acquire enough sections covering the entire liver in one pass, and to provide good signal to noise. The TE should be the shortest in phase echo time (TE), which provides strong T1 weighting, minimizes magnetic susceptibility effects, and permits acquisition within one breath hold to cover the whole liver. A flip angle of 80° provides good T1 weighting and less of power deposition and tissue saturation than a larger flip angle that would provide comparable T1 weighting.
Liver MRI is very dependent on the administration of contrast agents, especially when detection and characterization of focal lesions are the issues. Liver MRI combined with MRCP is useful to evaluate patients with hepatic and biliary disease.
Gadolinium chelates are typical non-specific extracellular agents diffusing rapidly to the extravascular space of tissues being cleared by glomerular filtration at the kidney. These characteristics are somewhat problematic when a large organ with a huge interstitial space like the liver is imaged. These agents provide a small temporal imaging window (seconds), after which they begin to diffuse to the interstitial space not only of healthy liver cells but also of lesions, reducing the contrast gradient necessary for easy lesion detection. Dynamic MRI with multiple phases after i.v. contrast media (Gd chelates), with arterial, portal and late phase images (similar to CT) provides additional information.
An additional advantage of MRI is the availability of liver-specific contrast agents (see also Hepatobiliary Contrast Agents). Gd-EOB-DTPA (gadoxetate disodium, Gadolinium ethoxybenzyl dimeglumine, EOVIST Injection, brand name in other countries is Primovist) is a gadolinium-based MRI contrast agent approved by the FDA for the detection and characterization of known or suspected focal liver lesions.
Gd-EOB-DTPA provides dynamic phases after intravenous injection, similarly to non-specific gadolinium chelates, and distributes into the hepatocytes and bile ducts during the hepatobiliary phase. It has up to 50% hepatobiliary excretion in the normal liver.
Since ferumoxides are not eliminated by the kidney, they possess long plasmatic half-lives, allowing circulation for several minutes in the vascular space. The uptake process is dependent on the total size of the particle being quicker for larger particles with a size of the range of 150 nm (called superparamagnetic iron oxide). The smaller ones, possessing a total particle size in the order of 30 nm, are called ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide particles and they suffer a slower uptake by RES cells. Intracellular contrast agents used in liver MRI are primarily targeted to the normal liver parenchyma and not to pathological cells. Currently, iron oxide based MRI contrast agents are not marketed.
Beyond contrast enhanced MRI, the detection of fatty liver disease and iron overload has clinical significance due to the potential for evolution into cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Imaging-based liver fat quantification (see also Dixon) provides noninvasively information about fat metabolism; chemical shift imaging or T2*-weighted imaging allow the quantification of hepatic iron concentration.

See also Abdominal Imaging, Primovistâ„¢, Liver Acquisition with Volume Acquisition (LAVA), T1W High Resolution Isotropic Volume Examination (THRIVE) and Bolus Injection.

For Ultrasound Imaging (USI) see Liver Sonography at
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Anatomic Imaging of the Liver  Open this link in a new window

 MRI Liver T2 TSE  Open this link in a new window
Radiology-tip.comradAbdomen CT,  Biliary Contrast Agents
Medical-Ultrasound-Imaging.comLiver Sonography,  Vascular Ultrasound Contrast Agents

• View the DATABASE results for 'Liver Imaging' (13).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'Liver Imaging' (10).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Comparison of liver scintigraphy and the liver-spleen contrast in Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI on liver function tests
Thursday, 18 November 2021   by    
Liver Imaging Today
Friday, 1 February 2013   by    
Elastography: A Useful Method in Depicting Liver Hardness
Thursday, 15 April 2010   by    
Iron overload: accuracy of in-phase and out-of-phase MRI as a quick method to evaluate liver iron load in haematological malignancies and chronic liver disease
Friday, 1 June 2012   by    
  News & More:
Utility and impact of magnetic resonance elastography in the clinical course and management of chronic liver disease
Saturday, 20 January 2024   by    
Even early forms of liver disease affect heart health, Cedars-Sinai study finds
Thursday, 8 December 2022   by    
For monitoring purposes, AI-aided MRI does what liver biopsy does with less risk, lower cost
Wednesday, 28 September 2022   by    
Perspectum: High Liver Fat (Hepatic Steatosis) Linked to Increased Risk of Hospitalization in COVID-19 Patients With Obesity
Monday, 29 March 2021   by    
EMA's final opinion confirms restrictions on use of linear gadolinium agents in body scans
Friday, 21 July 2017   by    
T2-Weighted Liver MRI Using the MultiVane Technique at 3T: Comparison with Conventional T2-Weighted MRI
Friday, 16 October 2015   by    
EORTC study aims to qualify ADC as predictive imaging biomarker in preoperative regimens
Monday, 4 January 2016   by    
MRI effectively measures hemochromatosis iron burden
Saturday, 3 October 2015   by    
Total body iron balance: Liver MRI better than biopsy
Sunday, 15 March 2015   by    
Searchterm 'MRI' was also found in the following services: 
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DeviceForum -
related threadsInfoSheet: - Devices -
Types of Magnets, 
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is based on the magnetic resonance phenomenon, and is used for medical diagnostic imaging since ca. 1977 (see also MRI History).
The first developed MRI devices were constructed as long narrow tunnels. In the meantime the magnets became shorter and wider. In addition to this short bore magnet design, open MRI machines were created. MRI machines with open design have commonly either horizontal or vertical opposite installed magnets and obtain more space and air around the patient during the MRI test.
The basic hardware components of all MRI systems are the magnet, producing a stable and very intense magnetic field, the gradient coils, creating a variable field and radio frequency (RF) coils which are used to transmit energy and to encode spatial positioning. A computer controls the MRI scanning operation and processes the information.
The range of used field strengths for medical imaging is from 0.15 to 3 T. The open MRI magnets have usually field strength in the range 0.2 Tesla to 0.35 Tesla. The higher field MRI devices are commonly solenoid with short bore superconducting magnets, which provide homogeneous fields of high stability.
There are this different types of magnets:
The majority of superconductive magnets are based on niobium-titanium (NbTi) alloys, which are very reliable and require extremely uniform fields and extreme stability over time, but require a liquid helium cryogenic system to keep the conductors at approximately 4.2 Kelvin (-268.8° Celsius). To maintain this temperature the magnet is enclosed and cooled by a cryogen containing liquid helium (sometimes also nitrogen).
The gradient coils are required to produce a linear variation in field along one direction, and to have high efficiency, low inductance and low resistance, in order to minimize the current requirements and heat deposition. A Maxwell coil usually produces linear variation in field along the z-axis; in the other two axes it is best done using a saddle coil, such as the Golay coil.
The radio frequency coils used to excite the nuclei fall into two main categories; surface coils and volume coils. The essential element for spatial encoding, the gradient coil sub-system of the MRI scanner is responsible for the encoding of specialized contrast such as flow information, diffusion information, and modulation of magnetization for spatial tagging.
An analog to digital converter turns the nuclear magnetic resonance signal to a digital signal. The digital signal is then sent to an image processor for Fourier transformation and the image of the MRI scan is displayed on a monitor.

For Ultrasound Imaging (USI) see Ultrasound Machine at

See also the related poll results: 'In 2010 your scanner will probably work with a field strength of' and 'Most outages of your scanning system are caused by failure of'
Radiology-tip.comradGamma Camera,  Linear Accelerator
Medical-Ultrasound-Imaging.comUltrasound Machine,  Real-Time Scanner

• View the DATABASE results for 'Device' (141).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'Device' (29).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
  News & More:
Thursday, 27 April 2023   by    
Portable MRI can detect brain abnormalities at bedside
Tuesday, 8 September 2020   by    
Point-of-Care MRI Secures FDA 510(k) Clearance
Thursday, 30 April 2020   by    
World's First Portable MRI Cleared by FDA
Monday, 17 February 2020   by    
Low Power MRI Helps Image Lungs, Brings Costs Down
Thursday, 10 October 2019   by    
Cheap, portable scanners could transform brain imaging. But how will scientists deliver the data?
Tuesday, 16 April 2019   by    
The world's strongest MRI machines are pushing human imaging to new limits
Wednesday, 31 October 2018   by    
Kyoto University and Canon reduce cost of MRI scanner to one tenth
Monday, 11 January 2016   by    
A transportable MRI machine to speed up the diagnosis and treatment of stroke patients
Wednesday, 22 April 2015   by    
Portable 'battlefield MRI' comes out of the lab
Thursday, 30 April 2015   by    
Chemists develop MRI technique for peeking inside battery-like devices
Friday, 1 August 2014   by    
New devices doubles down to detect and map brain signals
Monday, 23 July 2012   by    
Searchterm 'MRI' was also found in the following services: 
Radiology  (20) Open this link in a new windowUltrasound  (24) Open this link in a new window
ContraindicationsForum -
related threadsMRI Resource Directory:
 - Safety -
The principal contraindications of the MRI procedure are mostly related to the presence of metallic implants in a patient. The risks of MRI scans increase with the used field strength. In general, implants are becoming increasingly MR safe and an individual evaluation is carried out for each case.
mri safety guidance
MRI Safety Guidance
Some patients should not be examined in MRI machines, or come closer than the 5 Gauss line to the system.

Absolute Contraindications for the MRI scan:
electronically, magnetically, and mechanically activated implants
ferromagnetic or electronically operated active devices like automatic cardioverter defibrillators
metallic splinters in the eye
ferromagnetic haemostatic clips in the central nervous system (CNS)

Patients with absolute contraindications should not be examined or only with special MRI safety precautions. Patients with an implanted cardiac pacemaker have been scanned on rare occasions, but pacemakers are generally considered an absolute contraindication. Relative contraindications may pose a relative hazard, and the type and location of an implant should be assessed prior to the MRI examination.

Relative Contraindications for the MRI scan:
other pacemakers, e.g. for the carotid sinus
lead wires or similar wires (MRI Safety risk)
prosthetic heart valves (in high fields, if dehiscence is suspected)
haemostatic clips (body)

Osteosynthesis material is usually anchored so well in the patients that no untoward effect will result. Another effect on metal parts in the patient's body is the heating of these parts through induction. In addition, image quality may be severely degraded. The presence of other metallic implants such as surgical clips etc. should be made known to the MRI operators. Most of these materials are non-magnetic, but if magnetic, they can pose a hazard.

See also MRI safety, Pregnancy, Claustrophobia and Tattoos.
Radiology-tip.comradRadiation Safety,  As Low As Reasonably Achievable
Medical-Ultrasound-Imaging.comUltrasound Safety

• View the DATABASE results for 'Contraindications' (11).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
MRI in Patients with Implanted Devices: Current Controversies
Monday, 1 August 2016   by    
Newer Heart Devices Safe During MRI
Monday, 23 August 2004   by    
Physics of MRI Safety
FDA Releases New Guidance On Establishing Safety, Compatibility Of Passive Implants In MR Environments
Tuesday, 16 December 2014   by    
  News & More:
Women with permanent make-up tattoos suffer horrific facial burns after going in for MRI scans - which create an electric current in the ink
Monday, 4 July 2016   by    
Positive diagnosis for neural therapeutic implants
Tuesday, 19 April 2016   by    
Codman Neuro develops new MRI-resistant programmable valve for treatment of hydrocephalus
Tuesday, 22 September 2015   by    
MRI Resources 
Contrast Agents - Shoulder MRI - Education pool - Hospitals - Mass Spectrometry - Breast Implant
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