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Magnetic Dipole
North and south magnetic poles separated by a finite distance. An electric current loop, including the effective current of a spinning nucleon or nucleus, can create an equivalent magnetic dipole.
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Magnetic forces are fundamental forces that arise due to the movement of electrical charge. Maxwell's equations describe the origin and behavior of the fields that govern these forces. Thus, magnetism is seen whenever electrically charged particles are in motion. This can arise either from movement of electrons in an electric current, resulting in 'electromagnetism', or from the quantum-mechanical orbital motion (there is no orbital motion of electrons around the nucleus like planets around the sun, but there is an 'effective electron velocity') and spin of electrons, resulting in what are known as 'permanent magnets'.
The physical cause of the magnetism of objects, as distinct from electrical currents, is the atomic magnetic dipole. Magnetic dipoles, or magnetic moments, result on the atomic scale from the two kinds of movement of electrons. The first is the orbital motion of the electron around the nucleus this motion can be considered as a current loop, resulting in an orbital dipole magnetic moment along the axis of the nucleus. The second, much stronger, source of electronic magnetic moment is due to a quantum mechanical property called the spin dipole magnetic moment.
Gauss (G) and tesla (T) are units to define the intensity of magnetic fields. One tesla is equivalent to 10 000 gauss.
Typically, the field strength of MRI scanners is between 0.15 T and 3 T.

See also Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism, Superparamagnetism, and Ferromagnetism.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Magnetism' (18).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'Magnetism' (1).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Magnet basics
  News & More:
What affects the strength of a magnet?
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Precession is a wobbling motion that occurs when a spinning object is the subject of an external force. Relevant to MRI, the proton of a hydrogen nucleus spins around its axis giving it an angular moment (quantum mechanics). Through the protons positive charge and its spin it generates a magnetic field and gets a magnetic dipole moment (MDM) parallel to the rotation axis. If placed in a magnetic field the magnetic dipole moment will precess about the direction of the magnetic field with an angular frequency (Larmor frequency). The Larmor equation dictates that the frequency of the precession at higher field strengths is higher.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Precession' (45).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
When Is A Proton Just Like a Dreidle?
  News & More:
Chickscope Overview: MRI Introduction For High School Students
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Dipole Dipole Interaction
Interaction between a spin and its neighbors due to their magnetic dipole moments. This is an important mechanism contributing to relaxation rates. In solids and viscous liquids this can result in broadening of the spectral lines.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Dipole Dipole Interaction' (3).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
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Magnetic MomentForum -
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A measure of the net magnetic properties of an object or particle. A nucleus with an intrinsic spin will have an associated magnetic dipole moment, so that it will interact with a magnetic field (as if it were a tiny bar magnet).

• View the DATABASE results for 'Magnetic Moment' (21).Open this link in a new window

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