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Searchterm 'Noise' was also found in the following services: 
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Partial Averaging
Partial averaging is a scan time reduction method that takes advantage of the complex conjugate of the k-space. The number of phase encoding steps of the acquisition matrix are reduced in the phase encoding direction.
Since negative values of phase encoded measurements are identical to corresponding positive values, only a little over half (more than 62.5%) of a scan actually needs to be acquired to replicate an entire scan. This results in a reduction in scan time at the expense of signal to noise ratio. The time reduction can be nearly a factor of two, but full resolution is maintained.
Partial Fourier averaging can be used when scan times are long, the signal to noise ratio is not critical and where full spatial resolution is required. Partial averaging is particularly appropriate for scans with a large field of view and relatively thick slices; and in 3D scans with many slices. In some fast scanning techniques the use of partial averaging enables a shorter TE thus improving contrast.
Partial averaging is also called Fractional NEX, Half Scan, Half Fourier, Phase Conjugate Symmetry, Single Side Encoding.
Searchterm 'Noise' was also found in the following services: 
Radiology  (15) Open this link in a new windowUltrasound  (15) Open this link in a new window
A device that amplifies very low-level signals. A preamplifier is generally placed close to its signal source and has a very low noise figure as it is the principal determinant of electronic noise within the system. Preamplifiers used in NMR systems usually have a 50 ohm input impedance, and require a matching network to interface to the RF coil, although preamplifiers with high input impedance may be used with surface coils. Such devices typically use a field effect transistor (FET) as their input stage.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Preamplifier' (5).Open this link in a new window

MRI Resources 
Diffusion Weighted Imaging - Distributors - Colonography - MRI Technician and Technologist Career - MRI Physics - Functional MRI
3 Dimensional Magnetic Resonance AngiographyInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - MRA -
(3D MRA) The 3D angiography technique can be applied to focus on fast flowing (arterial) blood and to visualize small tortuous vessels. 3D TOF images are less sensitive to turbulent flow artifacts. The advantage of this approach is that the signal, acquired from the entire volume has an increased signal to noise ratio. Slices are defined by a second phase encoded axis, which divides the volume into 'partitions'. 3D TOF MRA is acquired with 3D FT slabs or multiple overlapping thin 3D FT slabs (MOTSA) depending on the coverage required and the range of flow-velocities under examination.
Such 3D techniques can provide equal spatial resolution along all three axes, i.e. be 'isotropic', or the partition thickness can be greater or less than the in plane spatial resolution in which case can be said to be 'anisotropic'. The circle of Willis, anatomy as well as its fast arterial flow, lends itself well to both 3D TOF and 2D or 3D phase contrast angiography.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 CE MRA of the Aorta  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview

 PCA-MRA 3D Brain Venography Colored MIP  Open this link in a new window

 CE-MRA of the Carotid Arteries Colored MIP  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview

 Circle of Willis, Time of Flight, MIP  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview


• View the DATABASE results for '3 Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Angiography' (2).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
CHAPTER 55: Ischemia
Magnetic resonance angiography: current status and future directions
Wednesday, 9 March 2011   by    
Searchterm 'Noise' was also found in the following services: 
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ArtifactForum -
related threadsInfoSheet: - Artifacts - 
Case Studies, 
Reduction Index, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Artifacts -
An image artifact is a structure not normally present but visible as a result of a limitation or malfunction in the hardware or software of the MRI device, or in other cases a consequence of environmental influences as heat or humidity or it can be caused by the human body (blood flow, implants etc.). The knowledge of MRI artifacts (brit. artefacts) and noise producing factors is important for continuing maintenance of high image quality. Artifacts may be very noticeable or just a few pixels out of balance but can give confusing artifactual appearances with pathology that may be misdiagnosed.
Changes in patient position, different pulse sequences, metallic artifacts, or other imaging variables can cause image distortions, which can be reduced by the operator; artifacts due to the MR system may require a service engineer.
Many types of artifacts may occur in magnetic resonance imaging. Artifacts in magnetic resonance imaging are typically classified as to their basic principles, e.g.:
Physiologic (motion, flow)
Hardware (electromagnetic spikes, ringing)
Inherent physics (chemical shift, susceptibility, metal)

Several techniques are developed to reduce these artifacts (e.g. respiratory compensation, cardiac gating, eddy current compensation) but sometimes these effects can also be exploited, e.g. for flow measurements.

See also the related poll result: 'Most outages of your scanning system are caused by failure of'

• View the DATABASE results for 'Artifact' (166).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Saturday, 26 January 2002   by    
  News & More:
MRI results affected by movement? MIT researchers have an AI-powered solution
Friday, 25 August 2023   by    
Magnetic eyelashes: A new source of MRI artifacts
Wednesday, 24 July 2019   by    
On the Horizon - Next Generation MRI
Wednesday, 23 October 2013   by    
Searchterm 'Noise' was also found in the following services: 
Radiology  (15) Open this link in a new windowUltrasound  (15) Open this link in a new window
[B0] A conventional symbol for the main magnetic field strength (magnetic flux density or induction) in a MRI system. Although historically used, H0 (units of magnetic field strength, ampere//meter) should be distinguished from the more appropriate B0 [units of magnetic induction, tesla].
In current MR systems it has a constant value over time varying from 0.02 to 4 T. Field strengths of 0.5 T and above are generated with superconductive magnets. High field strengths have a better signal to noise ratio (SNR). The optimal imaging field strength for clinical imaging is between 0.5 and 2.0 T.

See also the related poll result: 'In 2010 your scanner will probably work with a field strength of'

• View the DATABASE results for 'B0' (41).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Factors influencing flip angle mapping in MRI: RF pulse shape, slice-select gradients, off-resonance excitation, and B0 inhomogeneities.
Tuesday, 1 August 2006   by    
Magnetic Field
  News & More:
Turbo-FLASH Based Arterial Spin Labeled Perfusion MRI at 7 T
Thursday, 20 June 2013   by    
Penn researchers to get 7 Tesla whole-body MRI system
Monday, 28 August 2006   by    
Optimizing SPIR and SPAIR fat suppression
Tuesday, 30 November 2004   by    
MRI Resources 
Absorption and Emission - MRI Reimbursement - Societies - Image Quality - Musculoskeletal and Joint MRI - Mass Spectrometry
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