Breath hold imaging in MRI is a technique with one ore more stoppage of breathing during the sequence and require therefore a short scan time. Breath hold techniques are used with fast gradient echosequences in thoracic or abdominal regions with much respiratory movement.
Breath hold cineMRI techniques are used in cardiovascular imaging and provide detailed views of the beating heart in different cardiac axes.
Breath hold imaging requires the full cooperation of the patient, caused by usual MRI scan times from 15 to 20 sec.. In some cases breath holding can be practiced outside the MRI scanner to improve patient cooperation with the examination. Shorter scan times e.g. by parallel imaging techniques, or the administration of oxygen can help the patient to hold the breath during the scan. See also Abdominal Imaging.
(PRESTO) PRESTO is a 3 dimensional ultrafast gradient echo sequence that combines the whole brain coverage with T2* weighted imaging. PRESTO is useful for BOLD and perfusion imaging studies. In combination with parallel imaging techniques, PRESTO provides higher temporal resolution and more coverage compared to traditional multi slice imaging. In addition, the sensitivity to susceptibility artifacts and flow phenomena is reduced, compared with EPI techniques, enabling MRI scans throughout the brain including the skull base.
An RF array coil consisting of 2 - 6 several separately resonant elements, 2 or more of which can be selected as the receiver coil at a particular time. Coils not in use are decoupled. The spatial information related to the coils of a receiver array are utilized, reference images are required, obtained with each array element and with a body coil. Fast parallel imaging techniques using surface multicoils, such as sensitivity encoding (SENSE) or simultaneous acquisition of spatial harmonics (SMASH), have recently raised interest in the field of MR imaging.