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EPIX Pharmaceuticals, Inc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Developers - [This entry is marked for removal.]

(July 20, 2009 - EPIX Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced today that, in light of the company's lack of capital and inability to obtain additional financing or consummate a strategic transaction, it has entered into an Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors, effective immediately, in accordance with Massachusetts law).
EPIX has been a specialty pharmaceutical firm developing targeted contrast agents to improve the capability of MRI as a diagnostic tool for a variety of diseases. Gadofosveset trisodium (formerly MS-325, Vasovistâ„¢, now ABLAVARtâ„¢), is an injectable intravascular contrast agents designed for multiple vascular imaging applications, including peripheral vascular disease and coronary artery disease. EPIX conducted a pivotal Phase III trial for the detection of peripheral vascular disease, as well as a Phase II feasibility trial for coronary artery disease diagnosis.
To ensure rapid development and adoption of gadofosveset trisodium into clinical practice upon regulatory approval, EPIX pursued an aggressive product development plan and commercialization strategy. The Company established an exclusive, worldwide sales and marketing agreement with Bayer Schering Pharma AG. EPIX also established corporate collaborations with GE Healthcare, Philips Medical Systems and Siemens Medical Systems, the three leading MRI manufacturers, which together account for approximately 80 percent of the MRI machines installed worldwide.
EPIX had other MRI contrast agents under development, most significantly a novel prototype blood clot agent (EP-2104R). Potential clinical applications for this type of agent include detection of deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and blood clots in the coronary and carotid arteries. Currently, there is no high resolution imaging technique to directly visualize blood clots in patients with suspected cardiovascular disease.

• View the NEWS results for 'EPIX Pharmaceuticals, Inc.' (69).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Epix Pharmaceuticals to shut down
Tuesday, 21 July 2009   by    
Searchterm 'Phase' was also found in the following services: 
Radiology  (17) Open this link in a new windowUltrasound  (77) Open this link in a new window
Field Echo with Echo Time set for Water and Fat Signals in OppositionInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
MRI Resources 
Jobs - Cardiovascular Imaging - Devices - Homepages - Bioinformatics - MRI Training Courses
Flow CompensationInfoSheet: - Artifacts - 
Case Studies, 
Reduction Index, 
Flow compensation is based on the principle of even echo rephasing and a function of specific pulse sequences, wherein the application of strategic gradient pulses can compensate for the objectionable spin phase effects of flow motion. Gradient moment nulling of the first order of flow is another adjustment for the reduction of flow artifacts.
Gradient field changes can be configured in such a way that during an echo the magnetization signal vectors for all pixels have zero phase angle independent of velocities, accelerations etc. of the measured tissue. The simplest velocity-compensated pulse sequence is the symmetrical second echo of a spin echo pulse sequence.
Strategic gradient pulses are integrated in special sequences (e.g. CRISP, Complex Rephasing Integrated with Surface Probes) and for the most sequences flow compensation is an optional parameter.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Flow Compensation' (14).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Motion Compensation in MR Imaging
Flow comp off: An easy technique to confirm CSF flow within syrinx and aqueduct
Wednesday, 2 January 2013   by    
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Fractional Nex Imaging
Fractional Nex imaging (GE Healthcare term for imaging with a Nex value less than 1) benefits from the conjugate symmetry of the k-space to reduce the number of phase encoding acquisitions. With fractional Nex imaging (similar to partial Fourier or Half Scan), just over half of the data are acquired and the data from the lower part of k-space are used to fill the upper part, without sampling the upper part. Fractional Nex imaging sequences use a number of excitations values between 0.5 and 1. These values are a bit misleading, because the number of phase encoding steps is reduced, and not the NEX.
Fractional Nex imaging reduces the scan time considerable, by preserving the same contrast between the tissues. The effect by acquiring fewer data points is that the signal to noise ratio decreases.

See also acronyms for 'partial averaging//fractional Nex imaging' from different manufacturers.
Further Reading:
Method and apparatus for subterranean formation flow imaging
  News & More:
A Practical Guide to Cardiovascular MRI
Searchterm 'Phase' was also found in the following services: 
Radiology  (17) Open this link in a new windowUltrasound  (77) Open this link in a new window
Gradient Echo SequenceForum -
related threadsInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
Gradient Echo Sequence Timing Diagram (GRE - sequence) A gradient echo is generated by using a pair of bipolar gradient pulses. In the pulse sequence timing diagram, the basic gradient echo sequence is illustrated. There is no refocusing 180° pulse and the data are sampled during a gradient echo, which is achieved by dephasing the spins with a negatively pulsed gradient before they are rephased by an opposite gradient with opposite polarity to generate the echo.
See also the Pulse Sequence Timing Diagram. There you will find a description of the components.
The excitation pulse is termed the alpha pulse α. It tilts the magnetization by a flip angle α, which is typically between 0° and 90°. With a small flip angle there is a reduction in the value of transverse magnetization that will affect subsequent RF pulses. The flip angle can also be slowly increased during data acquisition (variable flip angle: tilt optimized nonsaturation excitation). The data are not acquired in a steady state, where z-magnetization recovery and destruction by ad-pulses are balanced. However, the z-magnetization is used up by tilting a little more of the remaining z-magnetization into the xy-plane for each acquired imaging line.
Gradient echo imaging is typically accomplished by examining the FID, whereas the read gradient is turned on for localization of the signal in the readout direction. T2* is the characteristic decay time constant associated with the FID. The contrast and signal generated by a gradient echo depend on the size of the longitudinal magnetization and the flip angle. When α = 90° the sequence is identical to the so-called partial saturation or saturation recovery pulse sequence. In standard GRE imaging, this basic pulse sequence is repeated as many times as image lines have to be acquired. Additional gradients or radio frequency pulses are introduced with the aim to spoil to refocus the xy-magnetization at the moment when the spin system is subject to the next α pulse.
As a result of the short repetition time, the z-magnetization cannot fully recover and after a few initial α pulses there is an equilibrium established between z-magnetization recovery and z-magnetization reduction due to the α pulses.
Gradient echoes have a lower SAR, are more sensitive to field inhomogeneities and have a reduced crosstalk, so that a small or no slice gap can be used. In or out of phase imaging depending on the selected TE (and field strength of the magnet) is possible. As the flip angle is decreased, T1 weighting can be maintained by reducing the TR. T2* weighting can be minimized by keeping the TE as short as possible, but pure T2 weighting is not possible. By using a reduced flip angle, some of the magnetization value remains longitudinal (less time needed to achieve full recovery) and for a certain T1 and TR, there exist one flip angle that will give the most signal, known as the "Ernst angle".
Contrast values:
PD weighted: Small flip angle (no T1), long TR (no T1) and short TE (no T2*)
T1 weighted: Large flip angle (70°), short TR (less than 50ms) and short TE
T2* weighted: Small flip angle, some longer TR (100 ms) and long TE (20 ms)

Classification of GRE sequences can be made into four categories:
See also Gradient Recalled Echo Sequence, Spoiled Gradient Echo Sequence, Refocused Gradient Echo Sequence, Ultrafast Gradient Echo Sequence.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 MRI Liver In Phase  Open this link in a new window
 MRI Liver Out Of Phase  Open this link in a new window
 MVP Parasternal  Open this link in a new window
 Breast MRI Images T1 Pre - Post Contrast  Open this link in a new window
 Circle of Willis, Time of Flight, MIP  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview


• View the DATABASE results for 'Gradient Echo Sequence' (70).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Enhanced Fast GRadient Echo 3-Dimensional (efgre3D) or THRIVE
  News & More:
MRI evaluation of fatty liver in day to day practice: Quantitative and qualitative methods
Wednesday, 3 September 2014   by    
T1rho-prepared balanced gradient echo for rapid 3D T1rho MRI
Monday, 1 September 2008   by    
MRI Resources 
Examinations - Pediatric and Fetal MRI - Breast Implant - Breast MRI - MRI Accidents - Devices
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