Fractional Nex imaging (GE Healthcare term for imaging with a Nex value less than 1) benefits from the conjugatesymmetry of the k-space to reduce the number of phase encodingacquisitions. With fractional Nex imaging (similar to partial Fourier or Half Scan), just over half of the data are acquired and the data from the lower part of k-space are used to fill the upper part, without sampling the upper part. Fractional Nex imaging sequences use a number of excitations values between 0.5 and 1. These values are a bit misleading, because the number of phase encoding steps is reduced, and not the NEX.
Fractional Nex imaging reduces the scan time considerable, by preserving the same contrast between the tissues. The effect by acquiring fewer data points is that the signal to noise ratio decreases.
See also acronyms for 'partial averaging//fractional Nex imaging' from different manufacturers.