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Short T1 Inversion RecoveryInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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(STIR) Also called Short Tau (t) (inversion time) Inversion Recovery. STIR is a fat suppression technique with an inversion time t = T1 ln2 where the signal of fat is zero (T1 is the spin lattice relaxation time of the component that should be suppressed). To distinguish two tissue components with this technique, the T1 values must be different. Fluid Attenuation Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) is a similar technique to suppress water.
Inversion recovery doubles the distance spins will recover, allowing more time for T1 differences. A 180° preparation pulse inverts the net magnetization to the negative longitudinal magnetization prior to the 90° excitation pulse. This specialized application of the inversion recovery sequence set the inversion time (t) of the sequence at 0.69 times the T1 of fat. The T1 of fat at 1.5 Tesla is approximately 250 with a null point of 170 ms while at 0.5 Tesla its 215 with a 148 ms null point. At the moment of excitation, about 120 to 170 ms after the 180° inversion pulse (depending of the magnetic field) the magnetization of the fat signal has just risen to zero from its original, negative, value and no fat signal is available to be flipped into the transverse plane.
When deciding on the optimal T1 time, factors to be considered include not only the main field strength, but also the tissue to be suppressed and the anatomy. In comparison to a conventional spin echo where tissues with a short T1 are bright due to faster recovery, fat signal is reversed or darkened. Because body fluids have both a long T1 and a long T2, it is evident that STIR offers the possibility of extremely sensitive detection of body fluid. This is of course, only true for stationary fluid such as edema, as the MRI signal of flowing fluids is governed by other factors.

See also Fat Suppression and Inversion Recovery Sequence.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Sagittal Knee MRI Images STIR  Open this link in a new window

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Further Reading:
Can Short Tau Inversion Recovery (STIR) Imaging Be Used as a Stand-Alone Sequence To Assess a Perianal Fistulous Tract on MRI? A Retrospective Cohort Study Comparing STIR and T1-Post Contrast Imaging
Wednesday, 17 January 2024   by    
  News & More:
Generating Virtual Short Tau Inversion Recovery (STIR) Images from T1- and T2-Weighted Images Using a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network in Spine Imaging
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Short tau inversion recovery (STIR) after intravenous contrast agent administration obscures bone marrow edema-like signal on forefoot MRI
Tuesday, 13 July 2021   by    
MRI Resources 
Pathology - Devices - Pacemaker - DICOM - Contrast Enhanced MRI - Libraries
Spin Echo SequenceInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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Spin Echo Timing Diagram (SE) The most common pulse sequence used in MR imaging is based of the detection of a spin or Hahn echo. It uses 90° radio frequency pulses to excite the magnetization and one or more 180° pulses to refocus the spins to generate signal echoes named spin echoes (SE).
In the pulse sequence timing diagram, the simplest form of a spin echo sequence is illustrated.
The 90° excitation pulse rotates the longitudinal magnetization (Mz) into the xy-plane and the dephasing of the transverse magnetization (Mxy) starts.
The following application of a 180° refocusing pulse (rotates the magnetization in the x-plane) generates signal echoes. The purpose of the 180° pulse is to rephase the spins, causing them to regain coherence and thereby to recover transverse magnetization, producing a spin echo.
The recovery of the z-magnetization occurs with the T1 relaxation time and typically at a much slower rate than the T2-decay, because in general T1 is greater than T2 for living tissues and is in the range of 100-2000 ms.
The SE pulse sequence was devised in the early days of NMR days by Carr and Purcell and exists now in many forms: the multi echo pulse sequence using single or multislice acquisition, the fast spin echo (FSE/TSE) pulse sequence, echo planar imaging (EPI) pulse sequence and the gradient and spin echo (GRASE) pulse sequence;; all are basically spin echo sequences.
In the simplest form of SE imaging, the pulse sequence has to be repeated as many times as the image has lines.
Contrast values:
PD weighted: Short TE (20 ms) and long TR.
T1 weighted: Short TE (10-20 ms) and short TR (300-600 ms)
T2 weighted: Long TE (greater than 60 ms) and long TR (greater than 1600 ms)
With spin echo imaging no T2* occurs, caused by the 180° refocusing pulse. For this reason, spin echo sequences are more robust against e.g., susceptibility artifacts than gradient echo sequences.

See also Pulse Sequence Timing Diagram to find a description of the components.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Shoulder Coronal T1 SE  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman
 Shoulder Axial T1 SE  Open this link in a new window
 MRI Orbita T1  Open this link in a new window

• View the DATABASE results for 'Spin Echo Sequence' (24).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Fast Spin Echo(.pdf)
Tuesday, 24 January 2006   by    
Magnetic resonance imaging
  News & More:
New MR sequence helps radiologists more accurately evaluate abnormalities of the uterus and ovaries
Thursday, 23 April 2009   by    
MRI techniques improve pulmonary embolism detection
Monday, 19 March 2012   by    
MRI Resources 
Developers - Contrast Enhanced MRI - MR Guided Interventions - Health - Manufacturers - MRCP
Stimulated Echo
A form of a spin echo produced by three pulse RF sequences, consisting of two RF pulses following an initial exciting RF pulse. The stimulated echo appears at a time delay after the third pulse equal to the interval between the first two pulses. Although classically produced with 90° pulses, any RF pulses other than an ideal 180° can produce a stimulated echo. The intensity of the echo depends in part on the T1 relaxation time because the excitation is 'stored' as longitudinal magnetization between the second and third RF pulses. For example, use of stimulated echoes with spatially selective excitation with orthogonal magnetic field gradients permits volume-selective excitation for spectroscopic localization.
mri safety guidance
Image Guidance
Artifacts may appear as a series of fine lines. A narrow bandwidth causes a wide read window, which allows the stimulated echo to be incorporated into the image data. This can be supported by increasing the received bandwidth, which would narrow the read window, thus not incorporating the extraneous echo. Another help would be to change the first echo time, which may change the spacing of the stimulated echoes to outside that of the read window for the second echo.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Stimulated Echo' (8).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Magnetic resonance imaging
Clinical evaluation of a speed optimized T2 weighted fast spin echo sequence at 3.0 T using variable flip angle refocusing, half-Fourier acquisition and parallel imaging
Wednesday, 25 October 2006
Searchterm 'Relaxation Time' was also found in the following services: 
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Superparamagnetic Iron OxideInfoSheet: - Contrast Agents - 
Intro, Overview, 
Types of, 
(SPIO) Relatively new types of MRI contrast agents are superparamagnetic iron oxide-based colloids (median diameter greater than 50nm). These compounds consist of nonstoichiometric microcrystalline magnetite cores, which are coated with dextrans (in ferumoxide) or siloxanes (in ferumoxsil). After injection they accumulate in the reticuloendothelial system (RES) of the liver (Kupffer cells) and the spleen. At low doses circulating iron decreases the T1 time of blood, at higher doses predominates the T2* effect.
SPIO agents are much more effective in MR relaxation than paramagnetic agents. Since hepatic tumors either do not contain RES cells or their activity is reduced, the contrast between liver and lesion is improved. Superparamagnetic iron oxides cause noticeable shorter T2 relaxation times with signal loss in the targeted tissue (e.g., liver and spleen) with all standard pulse sequences. Magnetite, a mixture of FeO and Fe2O3, is one of the used iron oxides. FeO can be replaced by Fe3O4.
Use of these colloids as tissue specific contrast agents is now a well-established area of pharmaceutical development. Feridex®, Endorem™, GastroMARK®, Lumirem®, Sinerem®, Resovist® and more patents pending tell us that the last word in this area is not said.
Some remarkable points using SPIO:
A minimum delay of about 10 min. between injection (or infusion) and MR imaging, extends the examination time.
Cross-section flow void in narrow blood vessels may impede the differentiation from small liver lesions.
Aortic pulsation artifacts become more pronounced.

See also Superparamagnetism, Superparamagnetic Contrast Agents and Classifications, Characteristics, etc..

• View the DATABASE results for 'Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide' (32).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide' (3).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
  News & More:
How to stop using gadolinium chelates for magnetic resonance imaging: clinical-translational experiences with ferumoxytol
Saturday, 5 February 2022   by    
Polysaccharide-Core Contrast Agent as Gadolinium Alternative for Vascular MR
Monday, 8 March 2021   by    
Poly (dopamine) coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanocluster for noninvasive labeling, tracking, and targeted delivery of adipose tissue-derived stem cells
Tuesday, 5 January 2016   by    
Longitudinal MRI contrast enhanced monitoring of early tumour development with manganese chloride (MnCl2) and superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIOs) in a CT1258 based in vivo model of prostate cancer
Wednesday, 11 July 2012   by    
MRI Resources 
Societies - Liver Imaging - Journals - Jobs - Abdominal Imaging - MRI Physics
T1 Relaxation
The return to equilibrium (high energy protons returns to the low energy state) within the lattice is named the T1, spin lattice or longitudinal relaxation. During the time T1, the spinning protons realign with the external magnetic field with an exchange of their energy, resulting in heat. The value of the T1 time depends of the tissues ability for energy exchange.

See also Longitudinal Relaxation Time.

• View the DATABASE results for 'T1 Relaxation' (18).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Musculoskeletal MRI at 3.0 T: Relaxation Times and Image Contrast
Sunday, 1 August 2004   by    
  News & More:
MRI's inside story
Thursday, 4 December 2003   by    
MRI Resources 
Blood Flow Imaging - Non-English - Health - MR Guided Interventions - Veterinary MRI - Knee MRI
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