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(DIR or DIRT1) Double inversion recovery T1 measurement is a T1 weightedblack blood MRA sequence in which the signal from blood is suppressed. The inversion time to suppress blood is described as the duration between the initial inversion pulse and time point that the longitudinal magnetization of blood reaches the zero point. The readout starts at the blood suppressioninversion time (BSP TI) and blood in the imaging slice gives no signal. This inversion time is around 650 ms with a 60 beat per minute heart rate at 1.5 T.
The TI can be decreased by using a wider receive bandwidth, shorter echo train length and/or narrow trigger window. Wide bandwidth also decreases the blurring caused by long echo trains at the expense of signal to noise ratio. In case of in plane or slow flow the suppression of the signal from blood may be incomplete. With increased TE or change of the image plane the blood suppression can be improved.
Double inversion recovery is a breath hold technique with one image per acquisition used in cardiovascular imaging. The patient is instructed to hold the breath in expiration (if not possible also inspiration can be taken), so that the end diastolic volume in the cardiac chambers would be the same during entire scanning. DIR provides fine details of the boundary between the lumen and the wall of the cardiac chambers and main vascular and heart structures, pericardium, and mediastinal tissues.
Dwell Time is the primary determinant of noise in the MR image, the time between samplings (sampling interval). Noise is proportional to the square root of the bandwidth and the bandwidth is inversely proportional to the dwell time. A longer dwell time means a lower noise thus a greater signal to noise ratio. This also lengthens the total echosampling time (longer TE).
Multiplication of the time-dependent signal data by an exponential function, exp(t/TC), where t is time and TC is a parameter called the time constant (in spectroscopy).
The time constant can be chosen to either improve the signal to noise ratio (with a negative TC) or decrease the effective spectral line width (with a positive TC) in the resulting spectrum. The use of a negative TC to improve SNR is equivalent to line broadening by convolving the spectrum with a Lorentzian function of corresponding reciprocal width.
(TrueFISP) True fast imaging with steady state precession is a coherent technique that uses a fully balanced gradient waveform. The image contrast with TrueFISP is determined by T2*//T1 properties and mostly depending on TR. The speed and relative motion insensitivity of acquisition help to make the technique reliable, even in patients who have difficulty with holding their breath.
Recent advances in gradienthardware have led to a decreased minimum TR. This combined with improved field shimming capabilities and signal to noise ratio, has allowed TrueFISP imaging to become practical for whole-body applications. There's mostly T2* weighting. With the used ultrashort TR-times T1 weighting is almost impossible. One such application is cardiaccine MR with high myocardium-blood contrast.
Spatial and temporal resolution can be substantially improved with this technique, but contrast on the basis of the ratio of T2* to T1 is not sufficiently high in soft tissues. By providing T1 contrast, TrueFISP could then document the enhancement effects of T1 shortening contrast agents. These properties are useful for the anatomical delineation of brain tumors and normal structures. With an increase in SNR ratio with minimum TR, TrueFISP could also depict the enhancement effect in myoma uteri.
True FSIP is a technique that is well suited for cardiacMR imaging. The imaging time is shorter and the contrast between the blood and myocardium is higher than that of FLASH.
In every MR examination, a large static magnetic field is applied. Field strengths for clinical equipment can vary between 0.2 and 3 T; experimental imaging units have a field strength of up to 11 T, depending on the MRI equipment used. In MRS, field strengths up to 12 T are currently used. The field strength of the magnet will influence the quality of the MR image regarding chemical shift artifacts, the signal to noise ratio (SNR), motion sensitivity and susceptibility artifacts.