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Partial Averaging
Partial averaging is a scan time reduction method that takes advantage of the complex conjugate of the k-space. The number of phase encoding steps of the acquisition matrix are reduced in the phase encoding direction.
Since negative values of phase encoded measurements are identical to corresponding positive values, only a little over half (more than 62.5%) of a scan actually needs to be acquired to replicate an entire scan. This results in a reduction in scan time at the expense of signal to noise ratio. The time reduction can be nearly a factor of two, but full resolution is maintained.
Partial Fourier averaging can be used when scan times are long, the signal to noise ratio is not critical and where full spatial resolution is required. Partial averaging is particularly appropriate for scans with a large field of view and relatively thick slices; and in 3D scans with many slices. In some fast scanning techniques the use of partial averaging enables a shorter TE thus improving contrast.
Partial averaging is also called Fractional NEX, Half Scan, Half Fourier, Phase Conjugate Symmetry, Single Side Encoding.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Partial Averaging' (4).Open this link in a new window

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Fractional Echo
Fractional echo (also called asymmetric or partial echo) is used to shorten the echo time in a sequence, by acquiring partial echoes in the frequency direction. The reduction of echo time is possible because if the first part of the echo is not received, the dephasing lobe of the frequency encoding gradient is not to be on for quite as long, and this saves time.

See also Partial Fourier Technique, Read Conjugate Symmetry, Single Side View and acronyms for 'fractional echo' from different manufacturers.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Fractional Echo' (2).Open this link in a new window

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Spatially Localized Spectroscopy
Process by which regions of tissue are selectively sampled to produce spectra from defined volumes in space. These methods may be employed to sample a single region in space (single voxel method) or multiple regions simultaneously (multivoxel methods). The spatial selectivity can be achieved by a variety of methods including surface coils, surface coils in conjunction with RF gradient methods, or RF pulses in combination with switched magnetic field gradients, for example, volume-selective excitation. An indirect method of achieving spatial selectivity is the destruction of coherence of the magnetization in regions that lie outside the region of interest. A variety of spatial encoding schemes have been employed for multivoxel localization. See Chemical shift imaging.
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