Detector that detects the phase of the signal relative to the phase of a reference oscillator. Phase sensitive detectors are used in MR transmitters (where they form part of the frequency synthesis pathway) and MR receivers (where they are used to down-convert the MR signal to audio-frequencies prior to digitization). This device type includes modulators, demodulators and mixers.
The portion of a MR spectrometer comprising the sample container and the RF coils, with some associated electronics. The RF coils may consist of separate receiver and transmitter coils in a crossed coil configuration, or, alternatively, a single coil to perform both functions.
The second picture shows a timing diagram for a 3D pulse sequence. Volume excitation and signal detection are repeated in duration, relative timing and amplitude, each time the sequence is repeated. Two phase encoding components are present, one in the phase encoding direction and the other in slice selection direction (irrespectively incremented in amplitude) in each time the sequence is executed.
A description of the comparison of hardware activity between different pulse sequences.
A coil that produces an RF field with circular polarization. The RF power received from the RF power amplifier comes in two signals (quadrature detection), which have a phase difference of 90°. The RF transmit coil converts the power into a circularly polarized RF magnetic field.
Quadrature coils can be used as both, transmit and/or receive coil.
When used as a transmitter coil a factor of two power reduction over a linear coil results; as a receiver an increase in SNR of up to a factor of √2, can be achieved.