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MRI Resources 
Raman Spectroscopy - Diffusion Weighted Imaging - Shoulder MRI - MRI Accidents - Breast Implant - Mobile MRI
GE HealthcareMRI Resource Directory:
 - Manufacturers - GE Healthcare is the result of the merger between GE Medical and Amersham Health in Nov. 2004, after GE acquired Amersham Health for 9.5 billion in Oct. 2003. Jeffrey R. Immelt, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive of General Electric, said, 'Amersham's diagnostic pharmaceutical and life sciences business will add new, high growth platforms to GE Medical's diagnostic imaging, services and healthcare information technology businesses'. GE Healthcare, a UK company, is a unit of General Electric (NYSE: GE). GE Healthcare is a global leader in medical imaging, diagnostic imaging contrast agents, interventional procedures, healthcare services, and information technology. For more than 100 years, health care providers have relied on GE Medical Systems, now GE Healthcare, for high quality medical technology and productivity solutions. GE Healthcare, headquartered now at formerly seat of Amersham Health in Great Britain, operates facilities around the world. Global Operations include organizations on the Americas, Europe, and Asia, including India, Japan, Korea China, Thailand and Vietnam.

MRI Scanners:

MRI Contrast Agents:
Contact Information
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• View the NEWS results for 'GE Healthcare' (26).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
GE Medical's new name: GE Healthcare
Friday, 6 February 2004   by    
  News & More:
GE HealthCare introduces new MRI agent Pixxoscan
Friday, 28 April 2023   by    
GE Healthcare Names New 3.0T MRI System for Today's Healthcare Heroes
Monday, 13 December 2021   by    
GE Healthcare announces FDA approval of macrocyclic MRI contrast agent Clariscan
Monday, 4 November 2019   by    
GE Healthcare expands MRI contrast media product range in Europe with launch of macrocyclic agent ClariscanTM
Wednesday, 1 March 2017   by    
A*STAR & GE Healthcare Collaborate On Med Tech
Monday, 22 December 2014   by    
MRI Resources 
Societies - Mobile MRI Rental - Process Analysis - Blood Flow Imaging - Mass Spectrometry - Databases
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