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Flow ArtifactInfoSheet: - Artifacts - 
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Quick Overview
Please note that there are different common names for this artifact.
Artifact Information
Vascular ghosts (ghosting artifact), anomalous intensities in images
Movement of body fluids
Flow compensation, presaturation, triggering
Flow effects in MRI produce a range of artifacts, e.g. intravascular signal void by time of flight effects; turbulent dephasing and first echo dephasing, caused by flowing blood.
Through movement of the hydrogen nuclei (e.g. blood flow), there is a location change between the time these nuclei experience a radio frequency pulse and the time the emitted signal is received (because the repetition time is asynchronous with the pulsatile flow).
The blood flow occasionally produces intravascular high signal intensities due to flow related enhancement, even echo rephasing and diastolic pseudogating. The pulsatile laminar flow within vessels often produces a complex multilayered band that usually propagates outside the head in the phase encoded direction. Blood flow artifacts should be considered as a special subgroup of motion artifacts.
mri safety guidance
Image Guidance
Artifacts can be reduced by reduction of phase shifts with flow compensation (gradient moment nulling), suppression of the blood signal with saturation pulses parallel to the slices, synchronization of the imaging sequence with the heart cycle (cardiac triggering) or can be flipped 90° by swapping the phase//frequency encoding directions.

See also Flow Related Enhancement and Flow Effects.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Knee MRI Sagittal T1 003  Open this link in a new window
Further Reading:
  News & More:
MRI measure of blood flow over atherosclerotic plaque may detect dangerous plaque
Friday, 5 April 2013   by    
Advanced Visualization Techniques Could Change the Paradigm for Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Disease
Thursday, 31 May 2012   by    
MRI Resources 
Intraoperative MRI - Functional MRI - Veterinary MRI - Absorption and Emission - Stimulator pool - MR Guided Interventions
Gyromagnetic Ratio
A constant for any given nucleus that relates the nuclear MR frequency and the strength of the external magnetic field.
Definition: The ratio of the magnetic moment (field strength = T) to the angular momentum (frequency = ν) of a particle.
The gyromagnetic effect happens if a magnetic substance is subjected to a magnetic field. Upon a change in direction of the magnetic field, the magnetization of the substance must change. In order for this to happen, the atoms must change their angular momentum. Since there are no external torques acting on the system, the total angular momentum must remain constant. This mass rotation may be measured. The gyromagnetic ratio is different for each nucleus of different atoms. The value of the gyromagnetic ratio for hydrogen (1H) is 4,258 (Hz/G) (42.58 MHz/T).

• View the DATABASE results for 'Gyromagnetic Ratio' (4).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Electron and proton gyromagnetic ratios
MRI Resources 
Resources - Open Directory Project - Most Wanted - MRI Centers - Libraries - Process Analysis
Imaging Sequence
An imaging sequence is in magnetic resonance imaging a predefined set of radio frequency - and gradient pulses to excite the hydrogen nuclei of the object being imaged.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Imaging Sequence' (12).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'Imaging Sequence' (2).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
  News & More:
New MR sequence helps radiologists more accurately evaluate abnormalities of the uterus and ovaries
Thursday, 23 April 2009   by    
New MRI Technique Detects Genetic Condition That Attacks the Heart, Brain, Nerves
Wednesday, 2 October 2013   by    
Searchterm 'hydrogen' was also found in the following services: 
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Atomic nuclei that contain the same number of protons, but differ in the number of neutrons in the nucleus of the atom for the element concerned. For example, 1H, 2H, and 3H are the three isotopes of hydrogen, otherwise known as proton, deuterium, and tritium. Various isotopes have different nuclear magnetic moments and different resonant frequencies. Many isotopes have no magnetic moment and are therefore not observable by MR.

See also Isomer.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Isotope' (6).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
The top 5 ways medical physics has changed health care
Thursday, 28 February 2008   by    
MRI Resources 
Mobile MRI - PACS - Calculation - Liver Imaging - MRI Accidents - Guidance
Larmor Frequency
The Larmor precession frequency is the rate of precession of a spin packet under the influence of a magnetic field. The frequency of an RF signal, which will cause a change in the nucleus spin energy level, is given by the Larmor equation. The frequency is determined by the gyro magnetic ratio of atoms and the strength of the magnetic field. The gyromagnetic ratio is different for each nucleus of different atoms.
The stronger the magnetic field, the higher the precessional frequency. If an RF pulse at the Larmor frequency is applied to the nucleus of an atom, the protons will alter their alignment from the direction of the main magnetic field to the direction opposite the main magnetic field. As the proton tries to realign with the main magnetic field, it will emit energy at the Larmor frequency. By varying the magnetic field across the body with a magnetic field gradient, the corresponding variation of the Larmor frequency can be used to encode the position. For protons (hydrogen nuclei), the Larmor frequency is 42.58 MHz/Tesla.

See also Larmor Equation.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Larmor Frequency' (27).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Magnetic resonance imaging
  News & More:
Magnetic resonance-guided motorized transcranial ultrasound system for blood-brain barrier permeabilization along arbitrary trajectories in rodents
Thursday, 24 December 2015   by    
MRI Resources 
Jobs pool - Mobile MRI Rental - Safety Training - MRI Technician and Technologist Jobs - Chemistry - PACS
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