The second picture shows a timing diagram for a 3D pulse sequence. Volume excitation and signal detection are repeated in duration, relative timing and amplitude, each time the sequence is repeated. Two phase encoding components are present, one in the phase encoding direction and the other in slice selection direction (irrespectively incremented in amplitude) in each time the sequence is executed.
A description of the comparison of hardware activity between different pulse sequences.
Refocused GRE sequences use a refocusinggradient in the phase encoding direction during the end module to maximize (refocus) remaining xy- (transverse) magnetization at the time when the next excitation is due, while the other two gradients are, in any case, balanced.
When the next excitation pulse is sent into the system with an opposed phase, it tilts the magnetization in the α direction. As a result the z-magnetization is again partly tilted into the xy-plane, while the remaining xy-magnetization is tilted partly into the z-direction.
Companies use different acronyms to describe certain techniques.