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MRI Resource Directory:
Absorption and Emission
The MR-TIP Resource-Database contains around 2100 entries.
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   MRI - Knowledge - Spectroscopy - 
Absorption and Emission
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Absorption spectroscopy Open this link in a new window
Absorption spectroscopy refers to spectroscopic techniques that measure the absorption of radiation, as a function of frequency or wavelength, due to its interaction with a sample. The sample absorbs energy, i.e., photons, from the radiating field. The intensity of the absorption varies as a function of frequency, and this variation is the absorption spectrum. Absorption spectroscopy is performed  ...
Astronomical survey projects Open this link in a new window
Atomic Absorption and Emission Spectra Open this link in a new window
Origin of Continuum, Emission, and Absorption Spectra. Hydrogen Emission and Absorption Series
[Keywords: Continuum, Emission, Absorption Spectra]
Atomic Absorption, Emission and Fluorescence Techniques Open this link in a new window
Atomic spectroscopy is the determination of elemental composition by its electromagnetic or mass spectrum. The study of the electromagnetic spectrum of elements is called Optical Atomic Spectroscopy. While atomic absorption is the most widely applied of the three techniques and usually offers several advantages over the other two, particular benefits may be gained with either emission or fluoresce ...
[Keywords: spectroscopy]
Chem Connections Open this link in a new window
We have four Java applets related to light emission and absorption: Example Coloring Applet Emission Spectrum Absorption Spectrum Single Filter Emission
Chemical of the Week -- The Chemistry of Autumn Colors Open this link in a new window
The green pigment in leaves is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light from the sunlight that falls on leaves
[Keywords: autumn colors, chlorophyll, leaf, trees, chemical energy, light]
Deep Space 1: Advanced Technologies Open this link in a new window
JCE Online: Articles Only Open this link in a new window
JCE Online: How a Photon Is Created or Absorbed
Saturated Absorption Spectroscopy Open this link in a new window
The purpose of this section is to outline the basic features observed in saturated absorp- tion spectroscopy and relate them to simple atomic and laser physics principles.
[Keywords: Saturated Absorption Spectroscopy, Experiment SAS, University of Florida, Department of Physics, Advanced Physics Laboratory]
The Multiwavelength Milky Way Open this link in a new window
[Keywords: Milkyway, Milky, Way, galaxy, multiwavelength, wavelength, astronomy]
For the professional radiographer:
Database, Resources, News, etc.
  Resource Directory - Overview
If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.
- Albert Einstein
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