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Robert Patten
Thu. 3 Mar.11, 22:08
[Start of: 'Building 3d Volumes from MRI DICOM' 4 Replies]

General |
Building 3d Volumes from MRI DICOM |
I have a number of MRI and CTs since a bad accident. I am a Mechanical Engineer with an electrical, power and computer background.
I was able to render the CT to 3D using Onis (not sure if you've seen this program), but have been unable to manage it with any of the MRIs.
The MRIs were taken on a Phillips Intera 1.5T
I can render a volume but only (1) of the (3) 2D images are clear before it is rendered and the resulting 3D image is just noise. I've tried various software packages and spent a lot of time with the software. Perhaps I don't have the required image files.
Maybe someone knows the answer.
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Indiancareerclub Clubindia
Mon. 25 May.09, 05:51
[Start of: 'What is the career growth in MRI technology?' 1 Reply]

Jobs |
What is the career growth in MRI technology? |
I am a computer science graduate, i would like to learn MRI technology, just tell where the courses are offered and duration for learning MRI technology. Also advice me whether i could take the course and how will be the career growth in learning this technology in abroad and India.
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Will B
Thu. 21 May.09, 19:35
[Start of: 'Recommended Reading' 0 Reply]

Applications and Examinations |
Recommended Reading |
I'm actually a computer programming who works on CT software. I'd like to know more about the MRI process from the point of view of technologists. I've read plenty of things about the (basic) physics of the scan, but not much about the standard procedure for the performing of a study.
Any books titles or links are greatly appreciated!
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Wolfgang Preuss
Tue. 21 Apr.09, 14:32
[Reply (3 of 4) to: 'GE LX MRI Platform?' started by: 'Stuart Allison' on Tue. 16 Sep.08]

Devices, Scanner, Machines |
GE LX MRI Platform? |
LX platform was starting 1997; upgrade from 5x to LX (9.1) is the whole hardware except Magnet and table, LX was the last platform for 1.oT systems. All 1.5T and 3.0T system can be upgraded to 15x ( HDxT) platform but all magnets before LCC Magnet( starting 1998) have the limitation max. 8 channels. The upgrades from 11x to 15x have new computers plus parts of gradient cabinet and system cabinet and coils. For the new 750/450 platform it is more difficult to upgrade, kompl. new hardware.
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Marty Bennett
Wed. 17 Sep.08, 17:30
[Reply (1 of 4) to: 'GE LX MRI Platform?' started by: 'Stuart Allison' on Tue. 16 Sep.08]

Devices, Scanner, Machines |
GE LX MRI Platform? |
The LX platform is the last generation of "Signa" MRI's using the SGI Octane computer platform. GE generally uses the software version to identify systems. The LX is a 9x system. The 5x was pre- LX. The Excite, HD and HDx are 11x 12 x and 14x sysyems and use HP host computers.
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