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Result: Searchterm 'Coronal'
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Bob Owen
Sun. 10 Apr.22, 11:49
[Start of: 'Query on PROPELLER enhancement' 0 Reply]

Artifacts |
Query on PROPELLER enhancement |
I looked at an MRI from 2016 I originally had for a tongue swelling to see if it might show evidence for Optic neuritis which I believe I had at that time. I noticed coronal slices show the outer circumference of the optic nerve as especially bright and ragged or irregular along much of the length (both eyes). This looks like donut sign for ON but I wonder if it could be an artefact of the imaging process as it used something called PROPELLER which I believe enhances the image. An axial slice also appears to show the tram track sign. Can anyone comment. I have uploaded a screenshot of just a single coronal slice
See uploaded slice
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Haider Ali
Thu. 15 Sep.16, 02:26
[Start of: 'Toshiba Vantage Titan 3T' 0 Reply]

Equipment |
Toshiba Vantage Titan 3T |
While planning vertebral discs for axial cuts is there any way to align the slices perpendicularly on coronal plane? Currently I have to manually align them on the vertebral column which is tedious and sometimes erroneous.
I have worked on Siemens Avanto and there is option to select the slice to align perpendicular so that I only have to pay attention to one plane while in Toshiba the task is a bit more complicated. Though there is an option of aligning all slices perpendicularly but it does not work or may be I am doing something wrong.
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dimitris priovolos
Sat. 21 Dec.13, 10:14
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'mr urography' started by: 'elena giovanelli' on Thu. 24 Oct.13]

Applications and Examinations |
mr urography |
I think it's better to plan both ureters, put the pack of slices exactly coronal on an axial abdomen slice including both kidneys, take care on a sagital slice to give an angle parallel to spine but including the bladder and the space behind it, use foldover direction (siemens) or Rfov 1 (GE), fov 400-450, sl thick 0.80-1mm, open the 3d slice pack as much as needed, use navigator-pace (siemens) or triggering (GE).
A preparation of diet is needed some times, additional sequences (haste, fiesta, vibe+iv or lava+iv contr) are necessary.
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dimitris priovolos
Sat. 21 Dec.13, 09:40
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'Can a pancoast tumor show up on a cervical spine MRI?' started by: 'Lucy Lane' on Wed. 28 Aug.13]

Applications and Examinations |
Can a pancoast tumor show up on a cervical spine MRI? |
I think yes,sagital plan can give you a sign on left or right side (T1W, TW2), then on coronal plan and with thicker slices you can localize it (like doing a brachio plexus exam).
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reza beigi
Tue. 4 Dec.12, 08:05
[Reply (6 of 7) to: 'Imaging optic neuritis' started by: 'Karen Lesley' on Wed. 18 Jan.12]

General |
Imaging optic neuritis |
dear friend i have a missunderstanding with my radiologist so i want a strong refrence to showing to my radiologist coronal STIR is the best protocol for OPNT.
thanks again
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