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Gary Brown
Mon. 14 Jun.21, 15:20
[Start of: 'Stents' 0 Reply]

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Stents |
Employer relates that any cardiac stent implanted after 2008 is safe on ANY MRI scanner within our system. This ranges from 0.3 Open scanners to 1.2 High field Open and 1.5 and 3T closed systems.
Contrarily, the manufacturer data on certain stents states 1.5 or 3 T ONLY, but we are urged to scan on an open if implanted after 2008. Does anyone have any type of testing documentation that this is safe? I'm not so much worried about the field strength as I am the magnetic field orientation as the defining safety issue.
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Renate S.
Thu. 5 May.16, 14:27
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'Contrast on an 3T' started by: 'Roos van Wieringen' on Mon. 2 May.16]

General |
Contrast on an 3T |
Studies (for example , ) suggest that contrast enhancement of gadolinium is increased at higher field strengths. That can be used to lower the dose or receive higher contrast effects. It also depends on the contrast sensitivity of the used sequences and the examined body part.
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Maxima Watkins
Tue. 6 May.14, 19:38
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'Patellofemoral syndrome by MRI' started by: 'FRANCISCO MORALES' on Tue. 8 Apr.14]

Applications and Examinations |
Patellofemoral syndrome by MRI |
Hi, here is a helpful article: - we use proton density with fat saturation in three planes and a sagittal T1. The best protocol may be dependent on the MRI system and field strength.
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Steven Ford
Mon. 7 Mar.11, 15:24
[Reply (4 of 8) to: '6-1.5T MAGNETS, DIFFERING GRADIENTS' started by: 'Elise Gough' on Wed. 23 Feb.11]

Applications and Examinations |
If some of the system are signal starved, it's most likely not due to gradient field strength and speed, but it can be related to that. Like everything else in MRI, it's complex and interdependent.
You're best advised to talk with the apps specialist from the systems that are under-performing, and learn from them what the bandwidth is, and also check the shim. Is the fat suppression OK, but the signal weak, or is the suppression bad also? Do you get a graphic output of the linear (gradient)shim corrrection on the various systems?
It is well worth the money that they might charge, if it comes to that, in order to optimize the use of the systems and for your own education. If the apps person does not know why the other machine works so well, there should be someone higher up in the organization who can shed some light on your question.
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Elise Gough
Wed. 23 Feb.11, 17:25
[Start of: '6-1.5T MAGNETS, DIFFERING GRADIENTS' 7 Replies]

Applications and Examinations |
What parameter, if any, can compensate between magnets of equal field strength but very different gradient strengths? A T2 FAT sequence on one magnet can look very different on another magnet using same parameters.
Elise Gough RT(R)(CT)(MR)
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