Jack McIntire
Tue. 25 Oct.11, 18:53
[Reply (5 of 7) to: 'MRI Magnet Room Cameras?' started by: 'David Pierce' on Thu. 22 Sep.11]
Equipment |
MRI Magnet Room Cameras? |
The system is simple to use, but d@mn helpful. It comes with instructions, and even then I can be a bit thick, so I've called for help with the stereo bit. They didn't mind helping me out over the phone, and when we found the problem I realized how little I use technology outside of my field.rnrn The install took about an hour and a half, but the engineer for our building said it was easy - and that didn't cut too bad into scan time. We just made sure it was a slow day when we decided to install. rnrn We went through this company: SoundImaging.com We had used them for upgrades and parts before, so we knew who we were talking to and that we could trust the equipment.
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