zach zac
Tue. 17 Nov.20, 19:54
[Start of: 'I Just got my first MRI' 1 Reply]
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I Just got my first MRI |
I got an MRI earlier tonight of my head. I had to squeeze the alarm to be pulled out of it on a particular 4 minute scan. I thought it was anxiety at first but upon trying again the second time I have deduced that it in fact was electro conductivity that was messing with my heart. I was getting a heart rate of 160-180 I would estimate and heart palpitations and very hard beating in my chest. I managed to avoid the panic attack the second time so it was manageable but it did not feel safe. Can anyone explain to me what is going on here? It was very uncomfortable, and I was also feeling muscle twitching in my lower back which apparently the tech told me was common.
TL;DR I had an MRI, and it gave me heart palps and tachycardia. What is going on here? Is this normal?
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