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MRI Forum
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Bob Owen

Sun. 10 Apr.22,

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'Query on PROPELLER enhancement'
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Query on PROPELLER enhancement
I looked at an MRI from 2016 I originally had for a tongue swelling to see if it might show evidence for Optic neuritis which I believe I had at that time. I noticed coronal slices show the outer circumference of the optic nerve as especially bright and ragged or irregular along much of the length (both eyes). This looks like donut sign for ON but I wonder if it could be an artefact of the imaging process as it used something called PROPELLER which I believe enhances the image. An axial slice also appears to show the tram track sign. Can anyone comment. I have uploaded a screenshot of just a single coronal slice

See uploaded slice
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We Are ISS

Fri. 28 Jan.22,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'What is the career growth in MRI technology?'
started by: 'Indiancareerclub Clubindia'
on Mon. 25 May.09]


What is the career growth in MRI technology?
MRI technologists have a bright future in terms of career progression. The MRI technician is responsible for operating large tube-like machines that use a magnetic field and radio waves. As a result, there is a good scope from them; it is projected to be 9% from 2020 to 2030.
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gianluca turcatel

Mon. 10 Jan.22,

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'IDEAL sequence help'
1 Reply]


IDEAL sequence help
I was given MRI images of the liver of patients, taken with LMS IDEAL optimized low flip. I need to calculate the pdff. I have 72 images per patient with echotime ranging from 1.2ms to 11.2 ms. How do I identify which is the fat, water OP,IN images?
Thank you so much. and yes I am relative new to MRI imaging.
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Gary Brown

Mon. 14 Jun.21,

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Employer relates that any cardiac stent implanted after 2008 is safe on ANY MRI scanner within our system. This ranges from 0.3 Open scanners to 1.2 High field Open and 1.5 and 3T closed systems.
Contrarily, the manufacturer data on certain stents states 1.5 or 3 T ONLY, but we are urged to scan on an open if implanted after 2008. Does anyone have any type of testing documentation that this is safe? I'm not so much worried about the field strength as I am the magnetic field orientation as the defining safety issue.
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Anton Troitskii

Thu. 24 Sep.20,

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'Contrast in GRE'
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Basics and Physics

Contrast in GRE
I have found an explanation of GRE contrast in the book "MRI, The Basics - Ray Hashman Hashemi, William G. Bradley Jr., Christopher J. Lisanti - 3rd Ed. Chapter 20. Gradient Echo: Part I (Basic Principles)". Here is a link with a screenshot "> "longer TR enhances T1 weighting". And a table in the end of the chapter. But there is a contraversions opinion in other sources. For example, is described that "The lengthening of TR cause increase PD weighting, and shortening TR increase T1 weighting".
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