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MRI is trending to low field magnets :
reduced costs will lead to this change 
AI will close the gap to high field 
only in remote areas 
is only temporary 

MRI Forum
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Branny Howels

Fri. 19 Oct.12,

[Start of:
'qspace grid'
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Sequences and Imaging Parameters

qspace grid
Hi there,

My name is Branny and I was wondering if anyone could help me?? I am trying to simulate some diffusion MRI data using Camino software. I need to use a £D qspace grid of 11x11x11 and then I need to use a 2D qspace grid of 17x17 but I have no idea how to alter my scheme file to do this. I am guessing I need to alter my bavlues to alter the dimensions of the qspace grid but how I go about it I have no clue.

I would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO grateful for any help or advice!

Many thankx
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andy grey

Sat. 6 Oct.12,

[Reply (2 of 3) to:
'Deaf MRI technicians?'
started by: 'Nicole Marsh'
on Thu. 5 Apr.12]


Deaf MRI technicians?
You need to communicate with your patients as an MRI tech, you will be responsible of giving an overview of the complete process to your patients and will have to communicate with your patients during the procedure.
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andy grey

Sat. 6 Oct.12,

[Reply (6 of 7) to:
'MRI Magnet Room Cameras?'
started by: 'David Pierce'
on Thu. 22 Sep.11]


MRI Magnet Room Cameras?
installing cameras in MRI magnet rooms is a good option , it helps you to keep a track of the patients without putting in much effort.
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Benjamin Timpauer

Thu. 4 Oct.12,

[Reply (5 of 10) to:
'ARMRIT in California?'
started by: 'James Benitez'
on Wed. 4 Jan.12]


ARMRIT in California?
Facts and performance do support the indisputable fact that ARMRIT professionals have a greater depth of study and assessment of their technique. ARRT techs are grounded in the modality involving radiation. Cross-training is never the same as dedicated didactic and hands on training with the longest externship vis-a-vis all other modalities...and that is ARMRIT.
California is recognizing ARMRIT. Maybe not at the rate it deserves, especially in hospitals. But it is progressing. ARRT has had a monopoly as a registry. Ultrasound was correct in setting up its own registry. ARMRIT is exercising that right as well; as well it should considering it is a non-ionizing modality to begin with. Several times I have come across ARRT techs who cross-trained for MRI and continually demonstrate "button-pushing", time-cutting habits. I have come across ARRT techs who are employed and doing CT work who are not even certified to do CT!!
The scope of ARRT is wide and the medical system is too privatized to monitor abuses of ARRT techs practicing as non-certified CT or MRI personnel under the umbrella of another certified employee. This is a major loophole that is absolutely doing a great disservice to patients and misrepresenting imaging professionals across the board.
And to those who have stated that ARMRIT is taking away jobs from ARRT.....well, if the qualifications fit the position, then what is the issue with the more qualified, better trained professional being offered the position?
Facilities are recognizing the value of an MRI professional with dedicated training. I was offered a staff technologist position before I even took my boards; the first time in this company's history to employ ARMRIT over ARRT.
During my first 3 months as an employed MRI technologist, I quickly recognized several inefficiencies within many existing protocols used daily at the facility for which I worked. I could not understand how for so long before I started work there, that these inaccurate and unrefined sequences could not have been addressed. Well, an ARRT tech, cross-trained in MRI wrote them.
No disrespect to ARRT. This is not a critique but an observation of the disparity of the domination of ARRT as a registry for modalities it should not have jurisdiction over.
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Philip Barr

Tue. 2 Oct.12,

[Reply (4 of 10) to:
'ARMRIT in California?'
started by: 'James Benitez'
on Wed. 4 Jan.12]


ARMRIT in California?
I wish you guys the best of luck..Got my MRI education in LA..Never found a job.they all want ARRT...ARMRIT is a big joke..I hope one day they shut down and stop taking peoples money
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