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MRI Forum
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Reader Mail

Mon. 30 Oct.06,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'interleaved slices and mean intensity difference in adjacent slices'
started by: 'Reader Mail'
on Wed. 4 Oct.06]


interleaved slices and mean intensity difference in adjacent slices
With interleaved slice acquisition for example in each TR first the odd slices, and then the even slices are acquired. Differences in signal intensity may occur by changes between these acquisitions (like movement), especially with a long TR. In particular, for fMRI sequences with interleaved slice acquisition a slice time correction is recommended to get accurate measurements.
However, I think "large" signal intensity differences with interleaved slices (except fMRI) are rarely seen with usual sequences and sufficient processing (interpolation) algorithms.
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Giorgos Menikou

Sat. 27 May.06,

[Start of:
'GE Signa Excite 1.5 T HD spectroscopy fine shimming'
0 Reply]


GE Signa Excite 1.5 T HD spectroscopy fine shimming
Can anyone please give directions for how to use the SpectroScan Tool in spectroscopic sequences.
It is necessary to optimise the shimming in spectroscopy in order to get well defined sharp peaks in the metabolites spectrum.
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Angel Lara

Fri. 20 Jan.06,

[Reply (2 of 3) to:
'siemens impact expert'
started by: 'Angel Lara'
on Thu. 5 Jan.06]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

siemens impact expert
Thank You,

Please excuse me But how should the silicon scout look?
What other sequences should I run to complete the protocol, and will the other sequences be affected by the scanner tunning to silicone instead of water?
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terry santos

Thu. 5 Jan.06,

[Reply (1 of 3) to:
'siemens impact expert'
started by: 'Angel Lara'
on Thu. 5 Jan.06]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

siemens impact expert
shim system as normal

Then there should be a scout_silicone protocol.
tirm11_wss60b130.wlc TR 1530

If scout shows sillicone then use
tirm11_wss60b130.wlc TR 8568 4 mm cuts

If scout shows water only then use
tirm11_ss60b130.wlc TR 8568 4 mm cuts

The scout is :22 sec

The other sequences are 3:17
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Nancy Dudek

Fri. 26 Aug.05,

[Start of:
'3T imaging parameters'
2 Replies]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

3T imaging parameters
Am looking for the ranges of acceptable TR and TE's for standard spin echo and gradient echo sequences on a 3T.
Does anyone know these or tell me where I can find this info?
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