Don LaVille
Tue. 21 Dec.10, 20:57
[Reply (1 of 3) to: 'Muscle shading in 3T Images' started by: 'Travis Conley' on Thu. 21 Oct.10]

Applications and Examinations |
Muscle shading in 3T Images |
This artifact is known as the dielectric effect. It is a phenomena to all magnets. At 1.5T the dielectric effect is at 60cm so when we scan at a FOV of 40 or less we don't see it. At 3t the dielectric effect is reduced to 30cm so we now see it when using a FOV of 30 or more. There is no way to get rid of it that I know of and you will see an increase with patients with more magnetic suseptibility (ie. patients with ascities, and pregnant patient). You could try using Surface Coil Intensity Correction (SCIC) and it will help to even out the extreme dark and light in your image. Some vendors will suggest using a Fat Sat pad to help reduce this artifact. I have tried it with little success.
Looking at your image, it looks like you were scanning on a GE 3T HDX. I hope that the vendors will have a fix for this artifact soon. For right now though we are just dealing with it. I hope this helps.
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