Magnetic Resonance - Technology Information Portal Welcome to MRI Technology


MRI is trending to low field magnets :
reduced costs will lead to this change 
AI will close the gap to high field 
only in remote areas 
is only temporary 

MRI Resources
The MR-TIP Resource-Database contains around 2100 entries.
Resource Directory - Overview
Result: Searchterm 'Cation' found in 163 Resources.
More Results: Database  (271)  News Service  (222)  Forum  (75)  
Result Pages : 1  [2]  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 
  MRI - Organizations - Societies
American Society of Radiologic Technologists - Open this link in a new window
The ASRT Web site provides current news about radiology, information for patients and public, educational materials catalog, educational and research foundation, recruitment and retention tool kit, continuing education, CE, career center, professional development, and government relations
[Keywords: ... school, continuing education, advanced ...]
  MRI - Organizations - Societies
North American Society for Cardiac Imaging Open this link in a new window
Advancing Cardiovascular Imaging Through Research and Education
  MRI - Knowledge - Functional MRI
Introduction to FMRI Open this link in a new window
Very Brief Introduction to FMRI, Introduction to FMRI and FMRI Applications, Brief Introduction to FMRI Physiology, Overview of GLM Analysis
  MRI - Organizations - Societies
::::: ::::: Open this link in a new window
Welcome to CIRSE, official site of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe. The Society is a non-profit making, educational and scientific association providing continuing education and training for all physicians and scientists with an active personal involvement and interest in interventional radiology or cardiovascular imaging techniques.
  MRI - Knowledge - Resources - Databases
Radiology Database, an introduction Open this link in a new window
[Keywords: ... fracture, dislocation, tumour ...]
  MRI - Organizations - Societies
The Royal Society of Medicine Open this link in a new window
The RSM is an independent, apolitical organization of doctors, dentists, scientists and others involved in medicine and health care.
  MRI - Organizations - Societies
Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists Open this link in a new window
The Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists (SMRT) was founded to provide a forum for education, information, and research in the field of magnetic resonance. The primary objective of the SMRT is to advance the education and training for MRI/S technologists worldwide. The SMRT is committed to promoting the communication and dissemination of information regarding current and emerging technological advances to its members.
[Keywords: ... medical,education,technologists ...]
  MRI - Organizations - Societies
SGR - SSR Swiss Society of Radiology , Société Suisse de Radiologie, Sch-
weizerische Gesellschaft für Radiologie
Open this link in a new window
Offizielle Homepage der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Radiologie / Site officiel de la Société Suisse de Radiologie / Homepage of the Swiss Society of Radiology. - Radiologie Schweiz. Im öffentlichen Teil werden CT, MR oder MRT, Sonographie, Mammographie oder Tomographie in der Diagnostik in der Medizin erklärt. Links zur FMH und FMS sowie Information zur FMH Prüfung, zu Forbildung und Weiterbildung. Explications sur le diagnostic en médecine comme IRM, échographie, et le rôle de l' imagerie en médecine, liens vers congrès et société. information sur la formation et la spécialisation. X-Ray in Switzerland. Comité - Vorstand Drs Hoogewoud, Becker, Roeren, lütolf, luetolf, Chevalley, Bossard
  MRI - Organizations - Societies
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Open this link in a new window
The ISMRM is a nonprofit professional association devoted to furthering the development and application of magnetic resonance techniques in medicine and biology.
[Keywords: ... physician education, medical education, nonprofit ...]
  MRI - Knowledge - Functional MRI
The Future Role of functional MRI in Medical Applications Open this link in a new window
The goal of this presentation was to introduce the basics of fMRI and to suggest potential future applications in neuro-oncology.
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Resource Directory - Overview
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
- Mahatma Gandhi
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Magnetic Resonance - Technology Information Portal
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