Magnetic Resonance - Technology Information Portal Welcome to MRI Technology


Next big thing in MRI will be :
remote operator 
personalized protocols 
molecular MRI 
portable MRI 

MRI Resources
The MR-TIP Resource-Database contains around 2100 entries.
Resource Directory - Overview
Result: Searchterm 'Cine' found in 80 Resources.
More Results: Database  (57)  News Service  (103)  Forum  (12)  
Result Pages : 1  [2]  3 4 5 6 7 8 
  MRI - Knowledge - Patient Information - MRI Centers
MRI Centre, The Bhatia General Hospital, Mumbai, India. Open this link in a new window
This is a website dedicated to mri with an emphasis on teaching files and involved in promoting teaching on the world wide web.
[Keywords: ... mri centre, medicine, radiology ...]
  MRI - Knowledge - Examinations - Anatomy
The National Library of Medicine's Visible Human Project Open this link in a new window
The Visible Human Project is the creation of anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of normal male and female human bodies. Transverse CT, MR and cryosection images have been collected.
  MRI - Organizations - Societies
The Royal Society of Medicine Open this link in a new window
The RSM is an independent, apolitical organization of doctors, dentists, scientists and others involved in medicine and health care.
  MRI - Organizations - Societies
SGR - SSR Swiss Society of Radiology , Société Suisse de Radiologie, Sch-
weizerische Gesellschaft für Radiologie
Open this link in a new window
Offizielle Homepage der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Radiologie / Site officiel de la Société Suisse de Radiologie / Homepage of the Swiss Society of Radiology. - Radiologie Schweiz. Im öffentlichen Teil werden CT, MR oder MRT, Sonographie, Mammographie oder Tomographie in der Diagnostik in der Medizin erklärt. Links zur FMH und FMS sowie Information zur FMH Prüfung, zu Forbildung und Weiterbildung. Explications sur le diagnostic en médecine comme IRM, échographie, et le rôle de l' imagerie en médecine, liens vers congrès et société. information sur la formation et la spécialisation. X-Ray in Switzerland. Comité - Vorstand Drs Hoogewoud, Becker, Roeren, lütolf, luetolf, Chevalley, Bossard
[Keywords: ... Gesellschaft,médecine, santé ...]
  MRI - Organizations - Societies
Deutsche Sektion der ISMRM e.V. Open this link in a new window
Homepage of the German Chapter of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (mostly in German). Provides information about the mission of the society, its current activities, and much information about biomedical magnetic resonance
  MRI - Organizations - Societies
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Open this link in a new window
The ISMRM is a nonprofit professional association devoted to furthering the development and application of magnetic resonance techniques in medicine and biology.
  MRI - Knowledge - Resources - Portals
SciCentral: Gateway to the best scientific research news sources Open this link in a new window
This site features a selection of the most reliable and timely research news sources, organized by scientific area
[Keywords: ... oceanography,telemedicine,toxicology ...]
  MRI - Organizations - Universities
Stanford University School of Medicine Open this link in a new window
home page for the stanford university school of medicine aka stanford medical school; associated with the stanford medical center; education, patient care and research are the principle activities of the faculty, students and staff; M.D. (md), Ph.D. (phd) and Masters (master's) degree programs offered; world-class doctors, physicians and researchers; an american school, located in palo alto california, usa
[Keywords: ... medical center, medicine, patients ...]
  MRI - Business - Services and Supplies - Service and Support
Philips Medical Systems Open this link in a new window
Philips Medical Systems today is a powerful force in healthcare. We are committed to being your partner: an uncompromising resource in your pursuit of clinical excellence. We actively seek better ways to help you improve outcomes, manage resources and reduce costs. Philips Medical systems is part of Royal Philips Electronics, one of the world's largest electronics companies.
[Keywords: ... nuclear,medicine,oncology ...]
  MRI - Knowledge - Patient Information - MRI Centers
Drs. Groover, Christie & Merritt: Radiologists Open this link in a new window
Radiology group in Washington, DC and suburban Maryland offers practice information and a tutorial in the latest advances in radiology.
[Keywords: ... mammography, nuclear medicine, biopsy ...]
Result Pages : 1  [2]  3 4 5 6 7 8 
Resource Directory - Overview
In science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not the man to whom the idea first occurs.
- Sir Francis Darwin
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