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| | | | MRI News Service: 'Spin Echo' | | |
|  |  | | | '''Conventional single-echo spin-echo T2 mapping used for liver iron quantification is too long for breath-holding. This study investigated a short TR (~100 ms) single-echo spin-echo T2 ...' | | Sunday, 10 December 2023 by |
|  |  | | | '''This repository contains the sequence's diagram of the Spin Echo monopolar, Spin Echo bipolar, Stimulated Echo Acquisition Mode monopolar, Twice refocused and Twice refocused adjusted. ...' | | | Sunday, 30 August 2020 by | |
|  |  | | | '''This T2 mapping sequence yields accurate quantitative T2 values and synthetic morphologic fluid-sensitive images in one acquisition that are comparable with those obtained with conventional ...' | | | Tuesday, 1 October 2019 by | |
|  |  | | | '''Long scan times of 3D volumetric MR acquisitions usually necessitate ultrafast in vivo gradient-echo acquisitions, which are intrinsically susceptible to magnetic field inhomogeneities. This is especially problematic for contrast-enhanced (CE)-MRI ...' | | | Tuesday, 27 May 2014 by | |
|  |  | | | '''MSDE preparation is a technique for black-blood imaging. Our purpose was to evaluate the usefulness of a 3D TSE sequence with MSDE preparation in detecting brain metastases by comparing it with conventional sequences. Postcontrast images of 227 patients ...' | | | Saturday, 3 December 2011 by | |
|  |  | | | '''The contrast properties and inherent insensitivity of spin echo based sequences to RF and magnetic field inhomogenities make them a particularly desirable addition to a clinical high field protocol, where susceptibility effects can be quite ...' | | | 2005 by | |
|  |  | | | October 2002 by | |
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